
La Tomatina: The Great Spanish Tomato War of 2018

La Tomatina: The Great Spanish Tomato War of 2018

In the summer, mostly every city, municipality, town, village, you name it, has their “fiestas”, which are celebrations usually in honor of the location’s patron saint. Madrid, for example, celebrates in August 15th with concerts and film showings in open air theaters. Last year I went to the beach in Andalusia and the local fiesta was a carnival, with lots of food and a fashion show. Well, in Buñol, they have a humongous tomato fight in the streets end with red rivers of tomato juice flowing down the gutter in a scene that could easily be used in gory horror flicks.

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Carrying the weight of tradition in Spain's Holy Week

Carrying the weight of tradition in Spain's Holy Week

Twenty-four-year old welder Antonio Caparrós breaks into tears while he hugs friends and relatives in a storage room  with two gigantic, intricate, and beautiful statues and another few dozen sweaty men. He confesses that he has been released from a physical and emotional burden after having carried, along with another 39 men and for nearly five hours, a 1.1 ton statue of a Pieta, the depiction of a dying Jesus Christ in his mother’s arms.

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