Yu Yuan, the happiness gardens of Shanghai
April 12, 2016
Bruno Maestrini
Probably the most well known park in Shanghai, the Yu Gardens are right in the heart of the old city. Today, surrounded by shops and restaurants, this place little resembles the peaceful spot it was for the 500 years since it was built. That is except during the Opium wars and WWII, when it was torn to the ground. Twice.
Yu Yuan, or happiness gardens, were built in 1559 during the Ming Dynasty.
Right in front of the Starbucks, hundreds of tourists wander like ants and one little boy keeps trying to launch himself into the water while his mom incessantly held him down.
A little further back, another group of tourists poses for pictures with the Starbucks and the suicidal kid from the previous pictures.
The second tallest building in the world, the Shanghai Tower, rises over the city with its 632 meters in a beautiful contrast between new and old.
Pan Yunduan had the gardens built for his parents, but had to leave for Sichuan for 20 years before actually starting the project. Unfortunately, they passed away only a few years after it was done.
Girl cries sitting on a bridge while a friend talks to her as the sound of water from the artificial lake below hides from the dozens of tourists walking by whatever they were saying.
This part of the park is one of the most popular, with people wanting their picture taken framed by the windows.
This, to me, is the standard old Chinese lady. The type of clothes, hair style and even the way she walks is so descriptive of the seniors I've seen and at the same time to unique to China.
Man checks his phone beside the famous round arch of the garden. You can also see several others checking their phones through the doorway.
Woman rests and watches the fish swim across the bridge where that other girl was crying.
One of the cool things of this garden are the old pieces of furniture. I felt that the tables can be a bit uncomfortable since my knees kept banging on that horizontal bar on the bottom.
Outside the garden is a huge market. A group of kids was running around and playing. This boy was blowing into his little flower windmill and his friend was from the house of Hufflepuff.
Starbucks, McDonald's, Dairy Queen, all the ancient Chinese restaurants are right around the corner from the gardens.